Bravo, Taylor Swift

If I wore a hat, it would be off to Taylor Swift.

I know everyone loves Spotify and loves having access to loads and loads of music through their smartphone or work PC but Spotify has been notorious for paying very little to artists while making insane profits off their backs. Continue reading


Like everybody, I was beyond excited to see the trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron last night.  How cool is it that we could see it a week earlier than expected?

I really miss when surprises could remain quiet until the time was right or when privacy remained private. Continue reading

National Coffee Day

Other countries must marvel at the way we celebrate food in America.  If I’m to believe what social media tells me, apparently today is National Coffee Day which means coffee enthusiasts and other speed freaks can be even less ashamed than usual and celebrate their dependency.  Continue reading

Spam of Innocence

Two weeks ago, I was enjoying a working vacation in the great state of New Jersey, thousands of miles away from my computer and personal internet connection. In order to stay on top of my usual routine, I connected my iPod Touch to my parents’ WiFi signal so I could directly download some new episodes of my favorite podcasts. The connection seemed fairly slow and when the iTunes Store home screen finally displayed, I saw a banner advertising the new U2 album Songs of Innocence as a free download. Continue reading

Hacked Off

I admit it – when I heard there were nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence floating around online, I looked.  After learning how they got there, I felt ashamed.

Is there a natural curiosity when it comes to seeing a woman naked, especially an attractive one?  Yes.  Always.  Even though women’s bodies are all variations on a theme, there is still temptation to see what each of them looks like.

This cloud hacking stunt is some disturbing business though. Continue reading

All Hail The Guardians

Yes, we all saw Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend, and it was pure fun.  In fact, I’d say this film is a strong contender for best standalone Marvel movie not only because it’s incredibly well done but aside from the first Iron Man, it’s the only one you can watch without having seen any of the other Marvel movies.  The fact that almost half the opening weekend’s audience was female and more than half over the age of 25 also proves superheroes aren’t just for adolescent males anymore.

But do you know what is possibly my favorite part of this film? Continue reading

Batman Day

Today is known the world over as Batman Day, as we celebrate 75 years of the Dark Knight and his many adventures.

I was just eight years old when I saw Tim Burton’s Batman a few weeks after it opened, and I’ve been a fan ever since. Continue reading

Superior Sequels

Like everybody in the world, I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier and it blew me away.  When it comes to a single film with the greatest impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this was easily the most dense.  I dug the first Captain America film from three years ago, but this one took the story to a whole new level thanks to the post-Avengers world where Steve Rogers is still searching for his place among the rest of us.

Sequels are a tough business.  When it comes to exploring a new story or enemy, superhero movies may be the only type which get a pass from audiences. Continue reading